Low Stock Alert

You can proactively manage your inventory by setting up the low stock threshold, allowing you to place orders and prepare ahead of inventory depletion. It enables you to quickly identify inventory levels below the low stock threshold, and in case of any shortages, you will receive app notifications daily at 9 AM.

Set Up a Low Stock Threshold

You can define the low stock threshold using numeric attributes and specify its value. You can easily set up the "Minimum Stock" as one of the attributes for each item.

The Low Stock Threshold Quantity

You can set different low stock thresholds (minimum stock) for each item.

If you want to set the low stock threshold levels in bulk, you can use the bulk editing in Excel feature under Data Center > Item > Import Excel > Bulk Edit to make changes all at once.

Manage Items

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I receive the email notification for the low stock level?

At the moment, we only support mobile push notifications and do not provide email notifications.

Can I change the notification time to a different time instead of 9 AM?

At the moment, the notification time can only be set for 9 AM. There are no other time options available.

Can I set the low stock thresholds for inventories at a specific location in Location Mode?

At the moment, you can only set low stock thresholds for the overall inventory from all locations.

Last updated